My favorite things

There are some things that I truly love having as a house cat. I'm not sure which one would be on top of the list, but my scratching post would certainly be right up there. Nothing brings me such simple joy as that post. When I'm hungry but my parents won't feed me for another hour, I'll go to that post and scratch and scratch, it takes away my anxiety and my hunger pains. Other times, I'll run to it and climb it as mom or dad enter the room, it is guaranteed, they'll walk over and pet me on both sides from my shoulders down to my hind quarters - a full body massage. This is my second post. My first one was used so much that there wasn't much left to it, so my humans got rid of it. I had no idea what was going on but my post was gone! I thought I did something wrong. I'd run into the living room and go to where it was and had nothing to scratch! Two. Whole. Days. With no post! I was confused and yes angry! On the third da...