Go Liverpool! Or is it Stockport?

On days when dad is home, we do a couple of things that deals with our favorite past time - football.  OK, first let me say that I am an English Cat, so football to me is the sport played around the world.

Dad, being an American knows football in another way and calls our sport - soccer.  Well, in his defense he taught me the difference in names, but I have never heard him call it soccer in any conversation.  He has become a proper English person and he calls it - football!

Anyway, it is our favorite sport.  When dad moved here he had no idea of the teams, players, or even rivalries.  Before educating himself with the players, he learned about the coaches.  After all, as he would say, it is the coach who represents the team.  And he fell in love with Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool's manager.  Then he learned about the players and he tried to educate me.  I'd listen for a bit, just because I wanted to play ball!

We play a miniature version of football.  One on one.  Mum says I'm a great goalie and would give Alisson a run for the money! We play with a ping-pong ball and dad (or mum) try to get the ball past me.  It ain't going to happen.  I bat the ball away with my paws.  On the rare ocassion it may get by me, I chase it throughout the flat, until it safely under me.  Some times, it goes into my tunnel and I'll lay on it, just daring dad to come and get it, other times I'll kick it down the steps and make him go and get it!

Always makes me laugh!  We play football to give me exercise, yet they do more running than me!

Anyway, we look on-line to see if any games are on TV.  Liverpool first, if not maybe a smaller local team like Stockport.  Either way, football is on the agenda and by the end of the day, we'll be tired from watching and tired from playing.  And yes, I win our one on one games every time!


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