Got Outside!
OK, I know what you think. That a door was open and ran like my bottom was on fire and flew out the door before my human could shut the door. No, it wasn't that dramatic or exciting.
Mum picked me up and put me in my cage, Dad then put a cover over the cage and lifted me up. His first words were that I had gained a little weight. If I was a girl, it may have bothered me, yet, in hindsight, it wasn't a nice thing for me to hear.
That means it won't be as easy to get mum (or dad) to give me some extra food. I've got a couple of actions to fight back with. One is my sad puppy dog eyes. I've got that mastered, it always works. IF by some miracle that don't work, then I will need to find my vocal chords and start meowing! I know it worked for Louise, maybe it will work for me.
Anyway, my journey outside wasn't that exciting, in fact, I couldn't wait to get back home. We went to the vets, where I was poked and probed. I was weighed, got some injections, a pill, my ears and teeth were checked. By the end of it all I couldn't wait to get back in my cage and get back home.
As we were leaving, another couple brought in their furbaby and they were crying. I'm not sure but I think mum and dad even shed a tear or two. This was new for me, yet I think I knew what was going on. I think a feline friend was dying and my thoughts changed to Louise. I know she meant a lot to mum and dad.
And I started thinking that Louise still is with us. I eat my meals and have my drinks from bowls she had. And I even havee a toy or two of hers. All this I will cherish forever. They are mine now, but they were hers first. And by sharing with me we have become family. Thank you Louise. I love you...
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