My Power Animal

Dad was adopted into the Cherokee Nation over ten years ago, and he has been teaching me the ways of the Native American Indian. One thing that really got my attention was their belief in power animals and the spirituality they bring into a person's life. It took me just a day on my scratching post to realize that my power animal is the Koala Bear. With the Koala Bear I learned to invite you to relax, to enjoy the moment, and go with the flow of nature. Koala's are also messengers for physical well-being. Thus Koala meaning often comes to me as a signal to get some much-needed rest. They are known to sleep up to 20 hours a day. When their spirit comes to me, it usually is a sign to catch up on my sleep. Therefore, like my great uncle, the Lion, I need to take a break. Furthermore, I need to find an oasis of calm from the calamity of my daily life. The Koala also invites me to savor my downtime, enjoy my dreams, and revel in relaxation. People with the Koala nee...