One of my Ghostwriters
OK, I admit it. I have some ghostwriters. I say some because I get my ideas from many humans and then put them into my own words.
Dad does a lot of my typing, yet.... at times, I get really frustrated with him. He thinks he is some kind of artistic genius when it comes to writing. I'll tell him what I want to say, yet more times then not, he'll change some of it to make it sound better.
That's not the point Dad! The point is that this is my blog, so write what I say!
I mean some times I get so frustrated I'll just walk right over that keyboard and start typing what I want. More than once he has looked at me asking how did you do that? See? He's not that smart, I find things with that keyboard that he never thought his computer could do.
I've shown him how to even fast forward YouTube videos by just hitting a couple of keys. One time, he had on a three hour video. It was on 4 minutes, when I showed him how to move it up to 2 hours and 14 minutes. Once again, he looked at me and asked how did you do that? See? I wish he would listen to me a bit closer! I really want to teach him what else his laptop can do!
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