I need some rest

I'll tell you what, with the strange hours mum and dad come and go, I never seem to be totally awake.  Mum once compared it to jet-lag.

I don't exactly know what that means, since I've never been on a jet and all my parents seem to do is come and go.  It's exhausting watching it all.

Naturally, I have to get up bright and early.  In fact, I'm up before the birds outside are singing their morning melody.  I have to get up this early to help mum remember to feed me.

At times, she can be quite grumpy, but in the end she always gets up and gives me my breakfast.  Then within the hour she's walking out the door and I have the whole house to myself.  Well, at least for a couple of hours.  Without fail, as the sun comes up dad comes home.  I'm so happy to see him, yet all he wants to do is go to bed.  

Makes no sense to me, but they seem happy with this arrangement of theirs.  Anyway, at noon, I wake up daddy, just to make sure he makes me lunch.  I'm just trying to help him, so he doesn't forget.  Like mum, he can be a bit grumpy when he first wakes up, but he always gives me fresh food and water and a couple of strokes before he goes back to bed.

In the late afternoon he wakes up and heads out the door, leaving me alone for a couple of hours before mum comes back!  She stays up for a couple of hours then she heads to bed.  After three years of living with these humans, I come to realize how much value they put on sleep.  So, being the good son that I am, I've adapted well in becoming a cat who can tolerate a good sleep.

Oh the things we cats do to please our human parents.  It's a tough life, but someone has to do it!


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