Please tell me you didn't see that!

 Just yesterday I was puffing my chest saying how smart cats are compared to dogs.  You'll never see one of my pals trying to grab a flag on a 40 foot pole!  Yet, today I witnessed what I could only describe as challenging, while in reality it was pure insanity.

I was enjoying a nice sunny day, watching the world go by and my attention was squarely on a bunch of small birds, wrens and sparrows, bouncing back and forth in some small trees, more like overgrown bushes than trees, yet those birds were just enjoying it.

The branches swaying back and forth in the wind and the small flutter of their wings, made me wish for a short second that I was back outside.  I came back to reality, when I saw a sight I couldn't believe.  My mouth dropped open and I shook my head in disbelief.  

On one of those small branches, about ten feet off the ground and about three feet away from a sturdy branch, sat a rather large chubby cat, holding on for dear life.  It was amazing that the branch didn't break with the added weight and the wind blowing.  Yet, the cat didn't seem to realize how close he was to falling out of that tree.

He sat there looking at the birds, eyeing his dinner.  Yet, it was plain to see he'd never catch one because as soon as he'd move he'd fall to the ground.  After ten minutes, he finally gave up and spent the next twenty minutes slowly backing up and climbing down the tree.

My thoughts of how superior we were compared to dogs took a major hit today.  My only advice for my feline friend is to lose a little weight and look before you leap!


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