What to do?


Oh it's a lazy Monday.  Both my parents are home and both enjoying some quiet time.  My major decision of the day is whether I should indulge their quiet time and have as nice nap or should I raise a little mayhem?

It is loads of fun to give mum a little love bite on the knee and make her jump.  It's even more fun to start pushing around my ping pong balls.  Doing that, it is for sure one of them will join me in a game of catch.  Well, they catch and I bat the ball back to them.

The real fun takes place about five minutes into this game.  One of them will continue to bounce the ball to me, totally ignoring that I quit playing awhile ago and there they are running back and forth getting the ball and bouncing it all around the room, chasing it everywhere.

And there I lay, watching it all.  It is such a wonderful sight!  Oh these silly humans!  LOL


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